The Spirit Torments are the jailers of Nagash. Now I run Emerald host because I can target their backline support with almost guaranteed mortals (2+)Edit: Taking spirit hosts and Hexwraiths can insulate you somewhat from battleshock too. Deep striking it with Chainghasts allows Nighthaunt to threaten support heroes with shooting. Hey guys, I'm new to age of Sigmar and decided to build a nighthaunt army, because I just love the models and the overall aesthetic :) I read a bit into the the army building but I'm still overwhelmed with it and not sure how to do it. Let's meet the elite guard of Lady Olynder herself!Playlist for more Nighthaunt Lore:Men continue to lead the way with a win rate of 69. The strategy is simple. LEADER. What do you think of this? Allegiance: Nighthaunt - Procession: Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs: Leaders Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (215) in Warlord- General- Lore of the Underworlds: Soul CageFreddie won four games from five and only lost to Paul’s Maggotkin of Nurgle/Befouling Host in Round 5 who finished 1st overall. Emerald Host seems to > Reikenor's lot now, unless going for very specific rasp-heavy builds. If you wanna go hard on the Harridans, you will want to try and track down the Broken Realms box set from about a year ago or pick up the Battleforce that will be out in time for Christmas. Spirit host for bodyguarding the Scriptor, chainrasps to play the objectives. EH represents a cavalry based spectral force, providing offensive bonuses to your units of Hexwraiths while. The warband box contains the Nighthaunt card pack and. Here are the AoS Meta Stats for all the Grand Tournaments that have taken place between Monday 13th June and Sunday 19th June 2022. Army Faction: Nighthaunt Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight Triumphs: Inspired LEADER 1 x Guardian of Souls (150)* Artefacts: Midnight Tome Spells: Seal of Shyish 1 x Reikenor the Grimhailer (170)* Spells: Shademist 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (130)* General Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host LEADERS Guardian of Souls (150) Artefacts of Power: Beacon of Nagashizzar Spells: Shademist Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155) This is what I have to choose from just pure nighthaunt atm Allegiance: Nighthaunt Procession: Emerald Host Mortal Realm: Shyish Leaders Cairn Wraith (60) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (130) Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (130) Knight of Shrouds (100) Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal. Share. 24. Russ managed to claim four victories over the course of the event at the cost of a single loss. In emerald host, where you don't have any subfaction rules pushing you towards or away from any unit in particular, the various semi-elite melee 'infantry' nighthaunt units - bladegheists, grimghasts, and harridans - are largely interchangeable, so you could field a unit or two of harridans. Leaders Spirit Torment (115)* – General – Command Trait: Lord of the Host – Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955)* BattlelineArmy Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Scarlet Doom. Nighthaunt and Scarlet Doom find themselves near the top now as predicted by Danny some weeks ago. Obviously better in smaller games. The Grieving Legion are essentially the studio collection of Nighthaunt. so the little story is that I've kitbashed this mini diorama like miniature a year ago, and I half painted it in a super flat paint scheme, too afraid to ruin it to continue - >. sahiba_susannah. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit HomeGreetings my fellow undead. It is within the Black Coaches that they. This Weeks Stats. Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Feed on TerrorNext week my group is starting our Path to Glory and I'm very excited about it, but I'm kinda torn between two lists. . Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin – Enclave: Fuethan – Grand Strategy: Vendetta. With your nighthaunt army, run the emerald host subfaction and lady Olynder with a unit of spirit hosts to keep her safe and behind a line of chainghasts or whatever you've got that's cheap. 1% despite Maggotkin overall only having a win rate of 53. The Top Three Lists Zenith Mills-Shorter – Idoneth Deepkin. For a fun list without too much horde and regarding the models you already got, I would go with the following "Emerald Host Herohammer MW shenanigans" list : Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty. 0 and my complete lack of…Russ managed to claim four victories over the course of the event at the cost of a single loss. 141 Joshua Okoniewski – Bottom Table Bullies – Bottom Table Bullies Sylvaneth 15 /. Business, Economics, and Finance. A friend of mine says no, because in the book it. Let's meet the elite guard of Lady Olynder herself!Playlist for more Nighthaunt Lore:Nighthaunt: Emerald Host: 3-0-2: 10th: Daughters of Khaine: Zainthar Kai: 3-0-2: South Coast Series July. Vanguard. Join. (some saves rolls were like, 10 dice failing 8 but that happens). We provide a variety of clean, affordable accommodations to. 68%: 0: 2: Big Waaagh!. Hmm Better to go with emerald host for 2 reasons Wound negation CRH is no longer. Business, Economics, and Finance. Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers – Legion: Petrifex. Thinking of maybe purchasing this but can I do anything good out of it? Lady olynder - Kudrdos the craven king - Executioners X2 - Dread blade harrow x 2 - Knight or shrouds mounted - Knight of shrouds on foot - Spirit torment x 2 - Guardian of souls - Carin Wraith - Tomb banshee - Reiknor the grimhaler - The briar Queen and co - 10 x grimghast. But there is a battalion in the white dwarf that is still good. Nighthaunt is a potential second army for me and an east faction for your models could be the Emerald Host. The Chainrasp Hordes are some of the most base and pathetic Nighthaunt. Allegiance: Allegiance: Nighthaunt EDIT: Emerald Host Game Options + Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost GHB 2023 Rules Grand. I activated Cogs (he decided to use Teclis to stop Lady O's spell as he liked the. General. I wouldn't expect him to be taken over Lady Olynder, but he seems like a pretty decent choice. r/ageofsigmar • So I've made this. *Guardians of. I feel like Emerald Host would be the best procession since the armies will be 1500 points. Daughters of Khaine are smack in the middle with a perfect 50. 53. Raptadons would be good for this. Nighthaunt sub-factions are called Processions and they have 4 of them: The Grieving Legion, the royal court of Dolorum and attendants of Lady Olynder, prevents enemy units from retreating from big units. Despite Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine being released now for a couple of weeks, we still see Seraphon, Legion of the First Prince and Maggotkin of Nurgle topping the win rates. Bladegheists especially in Scarlet Doom. Gloomspite Gitz. LEADER. Leaders Guardian of Souls (150) - General - Command Trait: Ruler of the Spirit Hosts - Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340) - Lore of the Underworlds: Lifestealer Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155) - Artefact: Soulfire Ring Spirit Torment (115) BattlelineI would change your allegiance to emerald host as right now you're not getting any benefit from the scarlet doom. Primary Menu Skip to content. Nagash (955) Lady Olynder (215) General . That will help hurt them before you get. But makes her lives hard and annoying and gives the Boos an Fluff on the Table. r/stormkingsthunder. Zenith won all five games beating Sons of Behemat/Taker Tribe in Round 1, Nighthaunt/Emerald Host in Round 2, Flesh-eater Courts/Court of Delusion in Round 3, Disciples of Tzeentch/Hosts Duplicitous in Round 4 and Cities of Sigmar/Phoenicium in the last round. Business, Economics, and Finance. Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host LEADERS Guardian of Souls (150) Spells: Shademist Spirit Torment (115) General Command Traits: Ruler of the Spirit Hosts Artefacts of Power: Beacon of Nagashizzar Spirit Torment (115) BATTLELINE Chainrasps (220). The Top Three Lists Zenith Mills-Shorter – Idoneth Deepkin. Than you can add what you want. The idea is to really lean into the reviving nature of the nighthaunt and just keep bring them back on the board every round. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Rolling 4 Week Stats. 3:36:07 - Battletome: Nighthaunt Review - Strengths & Weaknesses. Nighthaunt) [590pts] ++ + Core Battalion + Core Battalion: Vanguard + Leader + Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern [135pts]: 0. Thank you for watching! Please Like, Share, and Subscribe. Still a good unit though, taking one or two units of 10 in an Emerald Host list would not be a bad choice :)The Emerald Host Prized Sorcery Warlord* --- My Opponents list was a one drop consisting of: Bloab Rotsawned Lord of Afflictions Blight Kings 2x10 Beasts of Nurgle 2x1 Pusgoyle Blightlords 1x2 2 Nurgle Trees Battleplan: Tooth and Nail The Game ended in a tie with me winning the breakers. Age of Sigmar – Top Three Lists Archive; Chaos ResourcesArmy Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence - Triumphs: Indomitable LEADER Spirit Torment (115) - General Lady Olynder (215) Reikenor The Grimhailer (145) BATTLELINE Chainrasp Horde (95) Chainrasp Horde (95) Spirit Hosts (125) Spirit Hosts (125). Once part of the vast host of undead known as the Legion of Grief, the Legion was refined to the royal housholds of Sylontum, and the lesser forces found in Soulblight armies were removed. Hello! I wanted to share my experience taking 2nd place in a 15 person, 3 round tournament with an Emerald Host nighthaunt list. Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host LEADERS Guardian of Souls (150) Artefacts of Power: Beacon of Nagashizzar Spells: Shademist Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155) General Command Traits: Spiteful SpiritThis is what I have to choose from just pure nighthaunt atm Allegiance: Nighthaunt Procession: Emerald Host Mortal Realm: Shyish Leaders Cairn Wraith (60) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Dreadblade Harrow (90) Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (130) Guardian of Souls with Nightmare. . The tasty stuff, and also Nighthaunt-based. Allegiance: Nighthaunt – Procession: Emerald Host – Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery – Triumphs: Inspired. Tom won three games and drew two, ending his weekend in a very respectful 6th. Go to Nighthaunt r/Nighthaunt. Pushed a sample list together based on what I was running at 1k. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Michael also won four games, along the way he beat the Lumineth Realm-Lords/Syar in Round 1, lost to Cities of Sigmar/Hallowheart in Round 2, then went on to beat Nighthaunt/Emerald Host in Round 3, Disciples of Tzeentch/Hosts Duplicitous in Round 4 and Ironjaws/Ironsunz in Round 5. . He then lost to 1st place Gabe in round 4 before going on to beating Gloomspite. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. While. They are sent by the Lord of Undeath to personally fetch and entrap souls that he felt personally wronged him, such as the Stormcast. Join. That said in terms of raw output I think the other two have more reliable impact. Advertisements. Subfaction: Emerald Host . 20 x Chainrasps. 140 Jonathan Lovett Fyreslayers: Greyfyrd 6 / 8 / 6 / 15 / 5. But I have about 60 models of infantry with better saves and damage on the field compared to your 40 that consists of mostly screen and support units. 3:27:51 - Sample List #2: Suddenly, Ghosts! 3:30:32 - Sample List #3: The Red Scare. I completely understand with the hexwraiths they are very out of. . Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Feed on Terror - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADER 1 x Lady Olynder (340)* - Spells: Seal of Shyish 1 x Guardian of Souls (150)* - General - Command Traits: Lingering Spirit - Chill Blade - Spells: Shademist - Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master Playing Nighthaunt The Emerald Host 2,000 Point List. I'd try and squeeze a Spirit Host in there to bodyguard Olynder. A word about the Hexwraith Flame and Nighthaunt Gloom, the two former Technical paints. LEADERS . Nighthaunt units all have flying and ethereal which is huge for movement and doing fun things. Just put together a list for the new Tome and wanted to know your thoughs Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Feed on TerrorArmy Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host LEADER 1 x Guardian of Souls (150) 1 x Spirit Torment (120) BATTLELINE 10 x Chainrasps (100) 10 x Grimghast Reapers (150) OTHER 4 x Myrmourn Banshees (90) 4 x Myrmourn Banshees (90) 10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180) 2 x Chainghasts (90) TOTAL POINTS: (970/1000)Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host LEADER 1 x Spirit Torment (120)** -Nullstone adornment: Hand carved nullstone icon 1 x Spirit Torment (120)** - Artifact: Lightshard of the harvestmoon 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (130)* - General - Command Trait: Spiteful Spirit - Artifact: Soulfire ringSmall kitbash on a bladegheist. I was also looking at the Vanguard box as a start, but I also really love. It allows you to apply full force exactly where you need it. Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome. Advertisements. After that the Nighthaunt are getting some boosts as well. r/Nighthaunt. In truth, he was really just tossing his passengers in the. CryptoFreddie won four games from five and only lost to Paul’s Maggotkin of Nurgle/Befouling Host in Round 5 who finished 1st overall. 0 I find it much easier to throw together a Seraphon army compared to a NH one. I'm not gonna play a competitive list (i usually do glass cannon fun builds ). MELEE. If you don't like her, the. Forth from the citadel of Dolorum will ride the Emerald Host, a force of Nighthaunt whose sole purpose is to enact ghastly retribution, and who will not cease until their lady’s nemesis has been destroyed. LEADER. Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Hold the Line Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Awlrach the Drowner (150) General Dreadblade Harrow (110) Dreadblade Harrow (110) BATTLELINE Chainrasps (100) Grimghast Reapers (150) OTHER Bladegheist Revenants (180). Jump on the Cinderfall Gaming Discord Server to join in the community conversation and share your hobby: Can Grab Yourself. *Emerald Host *Feed on TerrorNighthaunt ranged is garbage and the only bad (never played) units you have are the Glaivewraith stalkers. I played Nighthaunt, and went up against Tzeentch, Nurgle, Beast of Chaos, and Tzeentch again. 0 is looking at many small units at the moment. I'm thinking about trying out a list that basically will run 2 almost identical blobs that can split up for more board coverage. Edit: Taking spirit hosts and Hexwraiths can insulate you somewhat from battleshock too. Reikenor's Condemned: Reikenor the Grimahailer's personal army. Meta wise its Not the best. Allegiance: Nighthaunt – Procession: Emerald Host – Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight – Triumphs: Inspired Leaders Reikenor the Grimhailer. This saves you command points for discorporate etc rather than inspiring presence. A place for AoS Nighthaunt players to discuss events, share pictures, make lists etc. CryptoI don't have enough Grimghast models on hand to be able to run the second list, but I was hoping to be able to get some feedback, regardless, to…To that end. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s an average of 10 wounds over 5 rounds. Very unimpressed with emerald host - the command trait is useless on a Harrow and pretty mediocre anyway to be honest, and the relic is really bad compared to our other options. Allegiance: Nighthaunt Procession: Reikenor's Condemned Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty Leaders Lady Olynder, Mortarch of…Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: No Place for the Weak - Triumphs: Inspired LEADER 1 x Guardian of Souls (150)* - General - Command Traits: Master of Magic - Chill Blade - Artefacts: Lightshard of the Harvest Moon - Spells: Seal of ShyishWhat are some nighthaunt hammers? ++ Pitched Battle GHB 2023-24 2,000 (Death - Nighthaunt) [2,000pts] ++ + Core Battalion + Core Battalion: Battle Regiment Core Battalion: Warlord: Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power + Leader + Guardian of Souls [150pts]: General, Ruler of the Spirit Host, Spirit Drain, Warlord - 1-2 CommandersChainrasps are definitely worth the investment and are often a core piece in the army. There are so many ways this can go I'm unwilling to speculate without some solid information. Army Faction: Nighthaunt – Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host – Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave LEADER 1 x Guardian of Souls (150)* – Chill Blade – Spells: Hoarfrost 1 x Guardian of Souls (150)* – Chill Blade – Spells: Merciless Blizzard 1 x Spirit Torment (120)** – General – Command Traits: Ruler of the Spirit Hosts 1 x. Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage Krulghast Cruciator (150)** Guardian of Souls. A place for AoS Nighthaunt players to discuss events, share pictures, make lists etc. That kinda sucks, I was hoping for a bit of a power boost to tide everyone over. Slap chop method. [1] As a powerful sorcerer-king he gathered many acolytes and followers to his cause, using his mastery of light magic to try and defeat mortality itself! Although Reikenor had vast knowledge and understanding of the energies of Shyish he merely attracted the malign attention of Nagash. Curse thier general and keep yours near hexwraiths. This isn’t bad at all. Army Faction: Nighthaunt . How to paint Nighthaunt Chainrasps – Tutorial. Allegiance Ability: The Emerald Curse – Before the first battle round you. Cair Wraith (115) Artefact - Reaper of Sorrows. Allegiance: Nighthaunt – Procession: Emerald Host – Mortal Realm: Ghur – Grand Strategy: Hold the Line – Triumphs: Bloodthirsty. The Emerald Host, Lady Olynder personal executioners, provides mortal wounds to few enemy units. Turn dependence. WoeHammer; Age of Sigmar. There was a total of 3 Grand Tournaments last week, a quiet week!Emerald Host Battle Regiment: Lady Olynder (general) Dreadblade Harrow (Pendant of the Fell Wind) Krulghast Cruciator 20 Grimghast Reapers 20 Grimghast Reapers 10 Hexwraiths 10 Chainrasp Horder 10 Dreadscythe Harridans Black Coach And then Reieknor outside the battalion. Reply TheCroakStrikesBack •. Along the way he beat Ironjawz/Ironsunz in Round 1, Nighthaunt/Emerald Host in Round 2, Stormcast Eternals/Hammers of Sigmar in Round 3 and Seraphon/Fangs of Sotek in Round 4. Knight of Shrouds (135)* – General – Command Trait: Ruler of the Spirit Hosts – Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind. 0, kinda like Emerald host - it feels that Lady O needs to be there as a General. In this month’s Tome Celestial, you can read all about the origins of the Mortarch of Grief and her own personal procession, the Emerald. [1b] The Procession took part in the. If you wish to go full Nighthaunt, you can swap Cado and the Fell bats for Reikenor. What else could it be? Skies of Slaughter; Ever wanted to fly above the clouds?3:09:28 - Nighthaunt Tips. If emerald you need lots of hexwraiths. Meanwhile despite Anthony Trentanelli’s heroics with Skaven recently (claiming two GT’s and going 4-1 this week) they still sit below 45% with a miserable 37. C&C welcome : r/Nighthaunt. Mannfred is a nice flex option to roam around the board and be threatening. The Spirit of Nighthaunt ; Battle Report: Game One, One Day Event, May 1st 2021 Followers 2. Allegiance: Nighthaunt – Procession: Emerald Host – Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave – Triumphs: Leaders Krulghast Cruciator (150)** – General. They played Emerald Host, but didn't use the Hexwraith bodyguard rules with Nagash just to see if he's good enough in case they add a note that he can't use for sure. 2nd place nighthaunt tournament list tech. I know there is the new emerald Host and Reiknor. Army Faction: Nighthaunt – Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host – Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight – Triumphs: Inspired LEADER 1 x Guardian of Souls (150)* – Artefacts: Midnight Tome – Spells: Seal of Shyish 1 x Reikenor the Grimhailer (170)* – Spells: Shademist 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (130)* – General Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADER 1 x Krulghast Cruciator (150) - Artefacts: Beacon of Nagashizzar 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155) - General - Command Traits: Spiteful Spirit - Artefacts: Pendant of the Fell Wind Primary Menu Skip to content. This allows Hexwraiths to gain attacks when they charge, plus they also become a fantastic bodyguard for your general. Spells: Lifestealer . All armies have access to. Reikenor's Condemned. These bodyguards make your general more durable, ensuring they can enact. Command Traits: Hatred of the Living. : r/Nighthaunt. virtuallyanything. Midwest Bash GTSign In. Kinda "shades on shades" and the red doesn't really shine. Games Workshop then announced the 2022 Season 1 Generals Handbook after that post and so I wanted to wait until I had time to get my hand on the new book before posting how to play the next two Nighthaunt sub-factions here, The Quicksilver Dead and The. Share Add a Comment. New comments cannot be posted. When they first launched Nighthaunt lacked subfactions entirely, however with the release of Broken Realms this has changed, with BR: Be’lakor providing two subfactions for the Nighthaunt – The Emerald Host and Reikenor’s Condemned. While the new battletomes of Nighthaunt and Sylvaneth can also be seen in the +55% area. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Feed on Terror - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADER 1 x Lady Olynder (340)* - Spells: Seal of Shyish. Rasps in general just don't seem to cut it as they once did to me, largely due to their points hike and reapers dropping, making them nearly equally efficient points wise for the wounds and ethereal save you get. Then try and get lady o close enough that she can do her shooting attack on them for eveb more mortals. Please note that we'll play…Allegiance: Nighthaunt Procession: Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Feed on Terror - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty Leaders Guardian of Souls (150)* - General…I'm not sure about the grieving legion subfaction. Subfaction: The Emerald Host . The following stats are for the week ending 31st July only, essentially. The Glowing Host: Led by many Tomb Banshees, these spirits glow like their home in the Glittering Marsh; The Emerald Host: Lady Olynder's personal army,. These are equivalent to Stormhost rules. Beating Blades of Khorne/Reapers of Vengeance in round 1, Soulblight Gravelords/Vyrkos Dynasty in round 2, Cities of Sigmar/Living Cityin round 3 and Seraphon/Dracothion’s Tail in round 4 before losing against Ronya Andersson and their Nighthaunt/Emerald host list in round 5. It is also the first top 3 where each competitor has won more then 1 challenge, with each winning 3. Four 1000-point games today, at an 18-player local event. Through the weekend Russ beat Maggotkin of Nurgle/Befouling Host in round 1, Maggotkin of Nurgle/Drowned Men in round 2, Nighthaunt/Emerald Host in round 3. Krulghast Cruciator (120) Artefacts of Power: Pendant of the Fell Wind . The Grieving Legion's special rules is Dragged into the Grave. 14K views 3 years ago #Warhammer #AgeofSigmar #GamesWorkshop. Guardian of Souls (150) - Chill Blade - Artefacts of Power: Cloak of the Waxing Moon - Spells: Shademist - Aspects of the Champion: Leadership of the AlphaTLDR: New to AoS, is the below a good list? So basically I’m starting back up in the hobby after a break of 25+ years. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The Emerald Host still sees use amongst Nighthaunt players, granting a badly needed bodyguard rule for the faction with some delicate (but essential) Heroes. Dreadscythe Harridan. The Grieving Legion is the military force of the Royal Court of Dolorum. 3:34:32 - Tier List Summary. A 6 man spirit host would need to lose 5 before it needs to roll and a 5 man Hexwraith unit shouldn’t need to take battleshock under normal circumstances. Just use anything you can to buff their saves to ensure they survive. If you can find it the Nighthaunt half of soul wars would be great, it provides essential heroes in a Guardian of souls and a knight of shrouds on steed. Black Templar - black areas on base. Allegiance:. Reikenors lot looks better just because rasps are already a good unit, extra movement is always handy (and iirc you can cast it on the same unit several times?) Emerald host subfaction. If the box doesnt have it, a guardian of souls is an essential wizard, spirit torment has good heals (pair with chainghasts) krulghast kruciator/ dreadblade harrow/ alwrach are other good heroes. In this video we look at how to create, build, buy and collect a Nighthaunt army focussing on The Emerald Host Sub-Faction using the rules from Broken Realms: Be'lakor. Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Lady Olynder (340)* Reikenor the Grimhailer (190)* Guardian of Souls (150)**. The Nighthaunt have gotten a huge buff here with rules for two Processions. Triumph: Bloodthirsty . I put nighthaunt gloom on the pallete and then the mini and then mixed slowly more and more ulthuan grey i and then blended the different gradients on the mini whilst they were still wet. vets in a S. It involved 18 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-gCongratulations to Zachary Shinn for 2nd place with Nighthaunt. Barring some big warscroll rewrites, I don’t think Olynder is worth taking unless you want to go with her emerald host sub faction. So pick an army you like and take the loses with the wins. First Expectations When the Emerald Host was announced I was reasonably ex. YES! Three brand new Warscroll Battalions for the Nighthaunt army to use! I can’t wait to take a look at these. You could go all in and use lots of Khorne and Baal reds and Abaddon blacks. The book contains two Nighthaunt Processions, which add additional keywords and allegiance abilities to your army. While not as flashy as the Doom or the Dead, the Host does provide an easy source of chip damage on 2 to 4 enemy champions. Corrupted stormcast as a necromancer ! C&C welcome. That way you can soften up the enemy heroes. Let's meet the elite guard of Lady Olynder. When they first launched Nighthaunt lacked subfactions entirely, however with the release of Broken Realms this has changed, with BR: Be’lakor providing two. Reikenor's Condemned and The Emerald Host both appeared in Broken Realms: B'Elakor, which is still matched play legal. Basically outnumbered the opponent on the board and blocked ways, so consistently scored better. 7K subscribers in the Nighthaunt community. Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief. Sign In. Hexwraith spam in emerald host has always been a decent pick and they tend to stick around as well. CryptoAllegiance: Nighthaunt Procession: Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery Triumphs: Inspired Leaders Spirit Torment (115)* General Command Trait: Lord of the Host Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (955)* Battleline 10 x Chainrasp Horde (95)* 10 x Chainrasp Horde (95)* 10 x Chainrasp Horde (95)* 5 x. BATTLELINE . Despite Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine being released now for a couple of weeks, we still see Seraphon, Legion of the First Prince and Maggotkin of Nurgle topping the win rates. Out of all the Nighthaunt spirits, the ones which suffer the most are the Dreadscythe Harridans. Hi all, I've basically half built the below (own all the models just slow to build/paint) but with the upgrade to AoS3. Good. Subfaction: The Emerald Host. Nice to know that you can keep pressure on weak support/battleline units without going close to them. Emerald Host and the 4+ save have been really rough, and when fighting against it tends to feel pretty unfun as I'm out of the gate forced to move quick before I lose all my support characters to emerald host, but bricks of unmodifiable 4+ save with a 5+ ward makes punching through extremely difficult. With everyone locked into taking mid-wound count foot heroes in order to score Battle Tactics, the stonks of Emerald Host have gone waaaaay up, as - with only average luck - the Curse can wreck Galletian Champions in two rounds. The charge and deepstrike is good here with the battalion and allegiance ability. The Tome Celestial – The Emerald Host; Stand not before the Mortarch of Grief, for she will send forth her Emerald Host to claim your eternal soul. 0 I find it much easier to throw together a Seraphon army compared to a NH one. I guess the Benlisted. LEADER. I’ve decided to stray away from Emerald Host, it definitely. LEADERS . Kurdoss Valentian (190)*. Once you drop her onto the board, she is an instant target given her damage output/abilities/low range. It works nicely as well. Allegiance:. So a hexwraith heavy Emerald host list then? In that sort of list olynder is a good general to benefit from the bodyguarding and allowing her to get good value from her command ability. Emerald host slowly withers the opponent. Subfaction: The Emerald Host. Welcome, fellow shepherds of the damned. Through the weekend Russ beat Maggotkin of Nurgle/Befouling Host in round 1, Maggotkin of Nurgle/Drowned Men in round 2, Nighthaunt/Emerald Host in round 3. . 7. See full list on wargamer. In an effort to get an army from each alliance put together, I have started to piece together a 2000 point list for Nighthaunt. 04 Jiwan noah Singh Soulblight Gravelords: Legion of Night12 / 10 / 17 / 15 / 13. Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)*NIGHTHAUNT ARMY LIST: Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Dismantle the Brave - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty. C&C hearthly welcome. Tome Celestial: The Emerald Host – December 2019. The black coach would have been obviously better from the player point of view, but. generic melee/aura heroes - the season wants people to run multiple small generic infantry heroes, and nighthaunts have several solid ones that already prefer to be in or near melee, which. Army Faction: Nighthaunt Subfaction: The Emerald Host Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight Triumph: Inspired LEADERS Lady Olynder (270)* - Spells: Spectral Tether. Considering replacing her with Awlrach and a spirit torment. As the new release of the GHB takes hold it looks as though the overall effect is a positive one, although the stats are starting to shift away from the 50%. Mainly though I play nighthaunt because the units are gorgeous. the Dolorous Guard and the Emerald Host itself. Blog. Reply PrettyMermaid97 • Additional comment actions. Below is my 2k points Nighthaunt army. Artefacts of Power: Pendant of the Fell. Forth from the citadel of Dolorum will ride the Emerald Host, a force of Nighthaunt whose sole purpose is to enact ghastly retribution, and who will not cease until their lady’s nemesis has been destroyed. Emerald Host and the 4+ save have been really rough, and when fighting against it tends to feel pretty unfun as I'm out of the gate forced to. 1. 1 x Nagash (900) 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (130) BATTLELINE. Forgot your password? Or sign in with one of these servicesAllegiance: Nighthaunt – Procession: Emerald Host – Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight – Triumphs: Inspired LEADERS Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340)* – Lore of the Underworlds: Spectral Tether Guardian of Souls (150)* – General – Command Trait: Master of Magic – Artefact: Midnight Tome – Lore of the Underworlds: Seal of ShyishI’m running and playing in a Path to Glory campaign. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Barren Icescape - Triumphs: Inspired. Rather than each player vying for victory themselves, they are divided into two teams – the Agents of Be’lakor and the Emerald Host. Nighthaunt: Emerald Host: 4-0-1: 3rd: Stormcast Eternals: Hallowed Knights: 3-1-1: 4th: Legion of the First Prince: 3-1-1: 5th: Idoneth Deepkin: Nautilar: 2-0-3: 6th: Stormcast Eternals: Hammers of Sigmar:. I think one of the bigger upsets of this tease is the line in the article " Expect powered-up Chainrasps and Glaivewraith Stalkers, among other goodies. My thinking is that at two drops, I'll probably have. Okay, if it is bodies and hitting power, I think AOS 3. I've just been informed I'll be receiving the NH battleforce, and while I have long been tempted by an army that basically ignores everyone (fly…This is the top three AoS lists for the Rumble in the Rockies that took place in Canada on the 11th and 12th of March. Along the way he beat Ironjawz/Ironsunz in Round 1, Nighthaunt/Emerald Host in Round 2, Stormcast Eternals/Hammers of Sigmar in Round 3 and Seraphon/Fangs of Sotek in Round 4. What are peoples thoughts on taking the Forgotten Scions batallion in the emerald host procession? Between the batallion and the artefact you're…Nighthaunt are interesting because they fit the theme of a fast-hitting horde with some glass cannons. This time I won by a wide margin (25:19) and a very different - legal - list (see below). Chainrasps and CG chase objectives. Aethermatic Blue - Ghostly areas (used Skeleton Bone paint for highlights) Cygor Brown - Brown head drapings (used Mournfang brown for highlights) Basilicum greay - stones on base. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: Reikenor's Condemned LEADER 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155) - General - Command Traits: Lingering Spirit. 1 x Guardian of Souls (150) 1 x Lady Olynder (340) BATTLELINE. Just be careful. Reikenor's Condemned: Reikenor the Grimahailer's personal army. Subfaction: The Emerald Host. I have both Seraphon and Nighthaunt armies and in 3. 1 x Tomb Banshee (80)* 1 x Tomb Banshee (80)* 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (130)** -. The Emerald Host: Lady Olynder's personal army, made up of souls who plotted against her in life. LEADER. But this Sunday I'm probably gonna try the emerald host subfaction with Olynder Black coach Reikenor Guardian of souls All 3 endless spells Gill in spirit hosts and chainrasps The goal will be to just pump out so many mortals on the first. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Business, Economics, and Finance. Advertisements. Emerald Host probably isn’t receiving the attention it deserves, but when most armies are 100 to 130 wounds, causing an average of 20 to 40 wounds without risk is pretty important. 8%. 1 x Tomb Banshee (80)* 1 x Tomb Banshee (80)* 1 x Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (130)** - General - Command Traits. Between a Guardian of Souls and Spirit Torment, I kept them alive quite a. *Emerald Host *Feed on Terror Nighthaunt also get some fun spells, and you do have two wizards, so that's nice. Reikenor's Condemned would get the extra Recursion, and maybe the Chainrasp Rerolls, but that's it. I would maybe look for ways to make it less tall though. Got a lil' "grim dark" vibe with battlescared wargear. Sign in with TwitterChainghast. Emerald Lifeswarm (60) CORE BATTALIONS *Hunters of the Heartlands. I think Nighthaunt and maybe Legions of Nagash will get a new battletome in Spooktober, mark my words everyone!. Try to stay away from the daemon prince or run Emerald Host to deal mw every battle round. Zenith won all five games beating Sons of Behemat/Taker Tribe in Round 1, Nighthaunt/Emerald Host in Round 2, Flesh-eater Courts/Court of Delusion in Round 3, Disciples of Tzeentch/Hosts Duplicitous in Round 4 and Cities of Sigmar/Phoenicium in the last round. I'm in the same situation! I happen to have a unit of 5 built Hexwraiths, so I wanted to start with Nighthaunt (I'm entirely new to the hobby and don't really have an army). RagnarokAngel:. CryptoMortis engine is pretty worthless to nighthaunt, but if you're feeling crafty you could pickup a 170mm oval base and proxy it as a black coach. Great game and nice to see that Nighthaunt can compete against top armies. Nighthaunt can now do the death thing of bringing back models fairly well. The Grieving Legion are essentially the studio collection of Nighthaunt. Mobility is key, or if you are the opponent, trying to stop the. The Top Three AoS Lists. Just as the title says, wanted to know how this list would fare in a local store Subfaction -Emerald Host Leaders: -1 Lady Olynder -1 Guardian of…Chainrasp. Now I run Emerald host because I can target their backline support with almost guaranteed mortals (2+) But if I wanted to do some heavy early dmg to their screens or bigger units I think scarlet doom would be better. I don’t play nighthaunt often but let me know what you all think of this list ++ Pitched Battle 2,000 (Death - Nighthaunt) [2,000pts] ++. Retreating and charging for extra mortals every. Any change, tip, critique would be appreciated (one of the ideas I have with this list is bringin lord executioner with the. Killarney Wing | One KingBed and Double Sofa Bed. Army Faction: Nighthaunt - Army Subfaction: The Emerald Host - Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty LEADER 1 x Kurdoss Valentian (210)** 1 x Spirit Torment (120)** - Artefacts: Arcane Tome - Spells: Seal of Shyish - Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master The Tome Celestial: The Emerald Host. I'm realizing I cant fit everything I love in the same list but wanted to start with Emerald Host because it seems easy to grasp for a beginner. This way, if I were to use them in one army they will have elements tying them together.